Walkie Talkie

What to Look for When Buying Walkie Talkies?

Are you interested in learning more about how walkie-talkies might benefit your business? That’s great! Because communication can make or break a working experience, your hotel or restaurant or business must have effective communication options to please customers. While modern, high-tech devices and applications may pique your interest, this article will show you how an old-school technology, the simple walkie-talkie or two-way radio, might be the ideal answer for your company. Two-way radios were cited as the major mode of internal communication for 60 percent of medium to large organizations. Your business can focus on providing a wonderful experience with a smooth communication system in place.

What Are the Main Use Cases for using Walkie Talkies?

Two-way radios have various benefits over more current technologies such as cell phones. For starters, all walkie-talkies connected to a certain channel will hear all conversations on that channel, making it simple to relay a message to a group of employees. They’re also constantly “on,” which means you don’t have to “respond” to incoming messages, allowing busy staff to keep informed without disrupting their work. Walkie-talkies are small, simple to use, and energy-efficient.

What are the main factors I should consider when buying walkie-talkies for my business?

You should consider who will be utilizing the walkie-talkies. If you want to have various teams operating them, make sure you have a model that can handle numerous channels. You should also consider the location where you’ll be utilizing them. Small lightweight consumer-grade radios will work well for smaller businesses. While bigger businesses (10+ floors) will require 2 watts or more, the largest business requires four-watt repeater capable radios. Before acquiring a large property with hundreds of employees, it’s a good idea to chat with a business communication expert.