
From Studio Lots to Silver Screens: The Role of Walkie Talkies in Film Production

Walkie Talkies in Film


When we watch a film, we’re enamored by the cast’s acting range, the music production, the lighting, and the story. What we forget is the behind the scenes buzz that makes movies shine. 

A staple in every movie production that goes unnoticed is the walkie talkie. They’re so much more than just a mode of communication. They’re the unsung hero that gels all parts of film making together.

So, let’s see how walkie talkies play a vital role in filmmaking:

Quick Communication: In a high budget, high stakes film production, you have to be able to communicate with your peers quickly and effectively. Walkie talkies are the perfect solution, making communication instant, timely and reliable. While phones can have wifi and signal issues, walkie talkies are easy to use and use radio waves, allowing directors, assistants, and other crew members to communicate easily. 

Seamless Coordination: The logistics required for making a film can be quite complex. From the lighting department, to the camera crew, to the make-up artists, everyone has to be in sync to be efficient and make the best movie. If any instant change needs to be made, say, the lighting needs to be adjusted, the director can just use their walkie talkie and give immediate instructions to the crew. 

Durable and Long Lasting: While you have to charge your phone everyday, walkie talkies are built to last. Movies usually take months and sometimes years to shoot and walkie talkies with their long battery life are a great option to have reliable communication when the crew spends hours together on sets. With the crew running around to get things done, walkie talkies are also durable, ensuring they can withstand the rough handling, drops, and bumps that inevitably occur in the fast-paced environment of a film set.

Safety First: If there is an emergency on set, walkie talkies can play a paramount role in rendering instant communication which can just be the difference between a minor mishap and major accident. The crew can immediately alert everyone else on set if there is an accident or emergency and can get help or evacuate everyone immediately with the help of walkie talkies. 

Streamline Shoots: A lot of movies have scenes shot in outdoor sets, and walkie talkies play a massive role in crowd control and communication. By minimizing the time spent on relaying messages and instructions, walkie talkies help to keep the production on schedule and reduce downtime, ultimately saving costs.

Walkie Talkies in Film Imagine this. 

Blockbuster action films and long television series involve hundreds of crew members working on the biggest sets you can imagine. Coordinating with everyone without walkie talkies would be nearly impossible. 

When a director sits on their chair watching a scene unfold, they can immediately coordinate with the lighting crew to change the light, the stunt double to modify their jumps, and the camera crew to adjust the angles to the best shot. All while sitting on the director’s chair. 

Even on sets with intricate set designs and numerous extras, the art department can use walkie talkies to coordinate scene changes and manage props efficiently. The wardrobe team can also stay in constant contact with the production team to ensure that costumes are ready for each scene, minimizing delays and maintaining continuity.

Coordinating with everyone individually at the same time is the job for just one thing. The walkie talkie.


Walkie talkies may seem like simple devices, but their role in film production is anything but simple. They are the invisible thread that weaves together the myriad elements of a film set, enabling efficient communication, enhancing safety, and ensuring that the creative vision of filmmakers is realized without a hitch.

Talk PRO has a line of license free walkie talkies with a plethora of ranges from 2 km to even 6 km plus so no matter if you’re part of stage drama or an expansive movie set, these walkie talkies can change the way your acts are planned. Please feel free to shoot us a message so you can shoot the perfect movie!