
Accessorize your walkie-talkie – I

Accessorize your walkie-talkie - I

The LF446 short range license free walkie talkie has been TalkPRO’s big selling product for over 30 years. With its robust, handy build quality and power packed features like extended battery life and wide range of coverage, it is one of India’s top selling brands.

TalkPRO offers a range of accessories that are extremely useful. These accessories are suitable even for other leading walkie-talkie brands like Motorola, Kenwood, Vertel, iCom, Vertex Standard etc. Here are some of them –

 High Capacity Battery: Increase your talk-time by carrying a spare battery! The TalkPRO high capacity battery from 1200 to 2500 mAH are available in Li-ion, Ni Cd, Li Poly and Ni MH.

Helical Antenna: These short, stubby antennae are fantastic when your walkie-talkie is worn on the belt. They are non-intrusive and feel compact to handle, making them easy to use.

Speaker Microphone:This accessory is a must-have! Imagine you work in maintenance or security. It would be cumbersome to clip and unclip your walkie-talkie from the belt every time you needed to communicate.

With the TalkPRO Remote Speaker and Microphone, you can clip on the speaker to your clothing, and use the Push-toTalk switch to communicate. No need to remove the walkie talkie radio from your belt or case.

The speaker is fitted with a coiled cord for flexibility in usage. As a matter of convenience, this also comes with a good torch-light which is extremely useful especially for those who might work in low light conditions.

Wait, did we mention this speaker is also water-resistant?

Compact Speaker Microphone: It’s everything in the standard speaker microphone, but smaller! If you are one who believes less is more, then this nifty accessory is certainly suited for you! Water-resistant, coiled cord, Push-to-Talk switch and a back clip that allows it to be clasped to your clothing.

D-shaped Earphones: Low-noise environments surely call for discretion in communication. Designed to be comfortable even if worn for longer durations, this earpiece is convenient to use.  It is compact and durable, and when using a remote speaker microphone in low-noise environments, it is ideal to receive communication discretely.

Contact TalkPRO for information on the complete list of accessories, specifications and compatibility details for your device.


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